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100 Club



Why not join our monthly draw? £5/month gives you a chance of winning 50% of that month's income.
Contact Pat Winney on 752377 for information.

To help raise money for the refurbishment of the village hall one of the steps that has been taken is to introduce the 100 club.

At the moment there are still some numbers available so if you are interested in joining the club
and helping to raise funds at the same time please contact Pat Winney on 01403 752377.

The rules of the 100 club are listed below.

Objective   The objective of the club will be to support the activities of the North Hall Management Committee (NHMC) in respect of the extension fund.
Membership   Membership shall be open to all residents of the Loxwood Parish and to their relatives and friends over the age of 18.
Subscription   The subscription shall be £5 per lottery number payable monthly by standing order on the 4th October 2012 and thereafter on the 4th of the month, the final payment being on the 4th September 2013. Alternatively one instalment of £60 per lottery number may be made if preferred.
Accounts   The Trustees shall require the Club Treasurer to maintain the club accounts and at least once a quarter report on the running of the account at a main committee meeting of the NHMC. All members of the club shall have the right to inspect the accounts upon giving the treasurer not less than 48hours notice prior to the inspection. One of the trustees shall keep a roll of membership and each member shall be allocated a registration number.
Draws & Prizes   On the first Monday of November 2012 and every first Monday of the month for the next 11 months thereafter a draw will take place. This will be at a meeting of the Loxwood Parish Council or at another public place or function (i.e. the local shop) The Trustees shall notify the winner within 10 working days of the date of the draw and the prize will be paid by cheque. The amount of the prize will be 50% of the income for that month.
Numbers   Numbers for the draw will be allocated at random. These will not be your club registration number and you will be informed of your number(s) after we receive your registration form.


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